MCYC Activities

Our annual Chinatown Holiday Party is always a great way for Chinatown residents to get together for a night of holiday themed games, entertainment, and food. And don’t forget to check out our Multicultural Arts Night where we bring together artists of all cultures to create a colourful performance.

Who says you can’t work and party?

At MCYC, we like to do both simultaneously.

Cultural Arts Night

A crazy night of multicultural performances is probably the best way to sum this event up.

Oh wait… can’t forget the food!

This annual event in March does its best to showcase as many cultures as possible, through as many different channels as possible.

Another great thing is that the event is completely organized by student volunteers who put in their all to make it happen. We would love to dance along to the performers… if we weren’t so sleep-deprived from midterms.

Check out some pictures from past events!