【Coast to Coast Drumming】加拿大国庆节击鼓庆典活动 Canada Day Drumming Celebration

2024年7月1日,温城中华文化中心作为温尼伯的唯一代表,参与了Coast to Coast Drumming加拿大国庆节击鼓庆典活动。活动将于7月1日下午12点到2点,在温尼伯植物园前广场(Assiniboine Park,The Leaf)举办。活动最令人期待的是所有参与者将在温尼伯时间下午1点整与全加拿大10余城市的参与者们共同鸣鼓6分钟,此外还将会有让人眼前一亮的舞狮表演、鼓乐表演和文艺表演!所有到场的参与者都会有小礼品赠送哦~

On July 1, 2024, the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre is participating as Winnipeg’s sole representative in the Coast to Coast Drumming – Canada Day drumming celebration. The event will be held on July 1st from 12pm to 2pm at Assiniboine Park, close to The Leaf. One of the most anticipated aspects of the event is that all participants will be drumming for 6 minutes at 1 p.m. with participants from more than 10 cities across Canada. In addition, there will also be lion dance performances, drumming performances and cultural performances! Gifts will be given away to all participants!

【活动时间 Date & Time】 7月1日 July 1st 2024,12:00-2:00 pm

【活动地点 Address】温尼伯植物园前广场 145 The Leaf Way, Winnipeg

【志愿者报名 Volunteer Registration】https://forms.gle/wBPaX17zTUkVj61H9

特别致谢 Special Thanks To: