【重要通知】中国驻多伦多总领馆工作组将于2023年11月9-10日赴曼尼托巴受理中国护照申请及在境外居住人员领取养老金办理等业务【IMPORTANT INFORMATION】Chinese Consulate General in Toronto Will Be in Winnipeg on November 9-10, 2023 to Process Passport Renewal Application and Pension Application

领事馆原文地址 (Original post):


多伦多总领事馆官网网址 (Chinese Consulate in Toronto official website):


For the convenience of Manitoba compatriots, the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto will go to Winnipeg, Manitoba, from November 9 to 10, 2023, to conduct on-site work, during which it will mainly process passport renewal applications and the processing of the “Pension Eligibility Form for Persons Residing Abroad”, as well as introduce the latest policies on documents processing and the Consulate General’s service measures.

一、时间地点 Time and Place

11月9日上午(9点起)在温城中华文化中心(地址:2nd floor, 180 King St, Winnipeg)

Time: from 9:00 am, November 9, 2023

Address: Winnipeg Chinese Cultural & Community Centre (180 King Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3G8)


Time: from 9:00 am, November 10, 2023

Address: updated after confirmation

二、办理业务 On-site Office Work


From September 2021, the Consulate General will accept applications for passports/travel certificates from compatriots in the Consular District through the “China Consular Affairs” APP. Pension eligibility applications can also be processed through the “China Consular Affairs” APP. The on-site office will mainly serve groups with inconvenient use of smartphones or other special difficulties, and we appreciate the understanding and cooperation of the compatriots in Manitoba.


Passport Renewal: Prepare materials in advance, submit the application on-site, and mail the materials after approval. See the first annex on the webpage for material requirements.

材料要求 Material requirements:http://toronto.china-consulate.gov.cn/zytz/202310/t20231028_11169988.htm


Pension Eligibility Form: Fill out the form on-site, no need to mail. See the second annex on the webpage for material requirements.

材料要求 Material requirements:http://toronto.china-consulate.gov.cn/zytz/202310/t20231028_11169988.htm

三、费用收取 Fees

(一)收费标准 Price

1. 护照:23加元/本;Passport: $23/person

2. 养老金资格审核表:免费。Pension Eligibility Form: free of charge

(二)收费方式 How to Pay

仅接受现金支票(即Money OrderBank Draft,可在当地邮局或银行办理,收款人请写:Chinese Consulate General in Toronto)。

Please pay a Bank Draft or Money Order to the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto.

四、注意事项 Attention


In order for the Consulate General to know the number of applicants on site in advance, applicants are requested to scan the QR code below to pre-register. After arriving at the site, please follow the guidance of the staff, queue for document processing, and work together to create a good order!