Immigration Webinar-Permanent Residency Options in Canada 网络研讨会——加拿大永居的移民方式选择

TDS lawyer, Katie Leung

About Katie Leung

Katie Leung简介

Katie Leung is a TDS associate who’s practice is concentrated primarily in the areas of immigration, and related corporate and commercial work, advising Canadian companies and foreign nationals with a variety of immigration matters.

Katie Leung 是TDS的一名律师,她的业务主要集中在移民领域,以及相关的公司和商业工作,为加拿大公司和外国公民提供各种移民事务的咨询和建议。

Katie grew up in Hong Kong. She studied law and received her Juris Doctorate with honours from New England Law | Boston in 2018. She is a dual US and Canadian license lawyer, currently licensed by the Law Society of Manitoba (Canada), State of New York and the State of Massachusetts (USA). Katie can advise clients in Cantonese, conversational Mandarin, and English. Katie is a member of the Canada Bar Association – Immigration Law Section and a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association – Canada chapter.


TDS Lawyer, Katie Leung invites you for a webinar to present on Permanent Residency Options in Manitoba on May 17-19, 2022.

TDS律师,Katie Leung 诚邀您参加2022年5月17日至5月19日的网络研讨会,研讨会主要内容是介绍曼尼托巴省永居的移民方式选择。

About this event 关于本次活动

Objective 目标

To learn about the various current Canadian Permanent Residency options available, including Federal and Manitoba Provincial programs


Description 描述

An overview of the current Canadian immigration Permanent Resident programs, including federal programs and the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program.


TDS will be hosting an online webinar at the following date and time:

TDS 将在以下日期和时间举办在线网络研讨会:

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 | 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. (CDT) | English
Permanent Residency Options in Manitoba. Click here to register.
星期二,2022年5月17日,美国中部标准时间 上午11:00-11:30 英文讲演

Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. (CDT) | Cantonese
Permanent Residency Options in Manitoba. Click here to register.

星期三,2022年5月18日,美國中部標準時間 上午11:00-11:30 粵語講演


Thursday, May 19, 2022 | 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. (CDT) | Mandarin
Permanent Residency Options in Manitoba. Click here to register.

星期四,2022年5月19日,美国中部标准时间 上午11:00-11:30 普通话讲演
