The Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre has been partnering with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to have volunteers prepare income tax and benefit returns for eligible individuals. We have been offering this service to the Chinese community for many years.
There are lots of taxpayers who do not know how to prepare their income tax and benefit return themselves. We had trained volunteers to provide this important community service to taxpayers who are low-income individuals, social assistance recipients, newcomers to Canada, seniors and students.
Due to concerns surrounding COVID-19, The WCCCC is unable to host tax clinic in person this year. We will be hosting free virtual tax clinics this year. Our volunteers can complete and file taxes free by videoconference.
Please register by calling 204-943-2627.
Income Tax Return Program will be from March 1 till April 15, 2022.
今年仍由有税务经验的义工黄忆慈先生(Ricky Wong),刘嘉雯小姐 (Carmen Lau) 与中心义工梁荣显先生(Spencer Leung) 与一班有经验的义工义务填写报税表。
凡需要别人代填个人入息税者,必须符合以下条件:单身每年入息不超过三万元或家庭收入不超过四万元,子女每个人加五千元。同时如阁下并非申报十万元外国财产者, 自僱及生意收入者, 执行为去世纳税人报税者, 破产者, 就业支出者及报投资资本收益或损失税者均可报名参加。
请准备好以下资料(T3, T4, T5, T5007, T4A, T4E, RC62)、T2202A学费收据、租金收据、地税单、及与税务相关的文件。

Address: 2nd floor, 180 King St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 3G8
Call: (204)943-2627
Fax: (204)944-8308
Wechat: WCCCC_Chinatown