Canadian households received their unique access code in the mail, and are encouraged to complete their census questionnaire online by May 11th – it is safe, quick, and easy. Households without reliable Internet access can contact the Census Help Line at 1-855-340-2021 to complete their census questionnaire over the phone, or to request a paper copy.
2021年加拿大人口普查已经开始,大家会在信箱中收到每个家庭唯一的访问代码。Statistics Canada鼓励大家于5月11日之前在线填写人口普查问卷,问卷填写是安全、快速和简单的。如果在线填写不方便的家庭可以联系人口普查帮助热线1-855-340-2021,通过电话完成人口普查问卷,或要求提供纸质问卷。
2021 Census Explainer Videos:请看以下视频了解概况:
2021 Census Fact Sheet:2021人口普查概况介绍:
Please learn more about the 2021 Census on the census website: and follow the official social media accounts:
更多详情请见2021人口普查官方网站: 和官方社交平台: