2020年,是曼尼托巴省成立150周年。2020年5月12日,是曼尼托巴省第150个曼尼托巴日(Manitoba Day)。1870年,创建曼尼托巴省的《曼尼托巴法案》由加拿大议会通过,并于5月12日获得皇家同意。该法案于1870年7月15日宣布生效,当时曼尼托巴加入加拿大联邦成为其第五个省。自1970年曼尼托巴省成立100周年起,5月12日曼尼托巴日庆祝活动成为一年一度的大型社区庆典活动。
The year 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of Manitoba, and May 12, 2020 will be the 150th Manitoba Day. The Manitoba Act, which created Manitoba in 1870, was passed by the Canadian Parliament and received Royal Assent on May 12. The Act was proclaimed into force on July 15, 1870, when Manitoba joined the Canadian Federation as its fifth province. Manitoba Day celebrated on the 12th of May have been a major annual community celebration since the 100th anniversary of Manitoba’s founding in 1970.
曼尼托巴(Manitoba),简称曼省、缅省,加拿大草原三省之一,省占地面积约为649,950平方公里,人口约130万人,下辖10个城市,省会为温尼伯。“曼尼托巴”在原住民语中意为“精神所在之处(a place where spirit lives)”。曼尼托巴省的标志是一头北美野牛(bison)。曼尼托巴省内淡水资源丰富,大小湖泊将近4万个。如今的曼尼托巴省以农业与畜牧业为主,是加拿大最重要的粮谷仓地带。由于位于加拿大的中心地带,曼尼托巴省也是全加拿大的交通枢纽。
Manitoba is one of the three provinces of the Canadian prairies, covering an area of 649,950 square kilometres, with a population of about 1.3 million people and 10 cities. “Manitoba” means “a place where spirit lives” in the First Nations language. Manitoba’s symbol is a bison, it has an abundance of fresh water, with nearly 40,000 lakes and streams. Today, Manitoba’s agricultural and livestock industry is the most important grain belt in Canada. Because of its central location, Manitoba is also a transportation junction for all of Canada.

Manitoba is a tolerant and generous society, a philanthropic society, a multicultural society, a society with the second highest rate of volunteerism in Canada, and a society of freedom and opportunity. In the 150 years since Manitoba was founded, people from all over the world have built safer and more prosperous lives for themselves and their families in this “spiritual place”.

In order to celebrate Manitoba’s 150th anniversary in 2020, from the end of 2019, Manitoba have launched a series of major events encompassing the “150”.

曼尼托巴150 启动视频观看地址:
Watch “Manitoba 150” Launch Video at:
ILLUMINATE 150,超过300,000个LED灯和照明结构使曼尼托巴150庆典流光溢彩。
ILLUMINATE 150, more than 300,000 LED lights and illuminated structures made the Manitoba 150 celebration glow with light.

While most of the official events celebrating Manitoba’s 150th anniversary are suspended, pending or postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19, however, in order to celebrate Manitoba Day, Manitoba officials are launching some online events that you can get a sneak preview of!
- 曼尼托巴档案馆现在在网上发布其藏品中的数字化电影。首批上传的影片讲述了曼尼托巴省的历史,包括一部关于1926年温尼伯市中心商店开业的电影,一部1959年关于该省公共卫生问题的电影以及一部1968年关于曼尼托巴省的冬季的电影。观看网址:
- The Manitoba Archives is now releasing digitized films from its collection online. The first films to be uploaded tell the history of Manitoba and include a film about the opening of the downtown Winnipeg store in 1926, a 1959 film about public health issues in the province and a 1968 film about winter in Manitoba. Viewing URL:
- 曼尼托巴省档案馆还将与您的档案馆一起纪念曼尼托巴日:我们共享的历史,这项为期一年的倡议为曼尼托巴人提供了选择档案记录并解释该记录为何重要的机会。有关更多详细信息,请访问:
- Manitoba Archives will also be celebrating Manitoba Day: Our Shared History with your archives, a year-long initiative that provides Manitobans with the opportunity to select an archival record and explain why that record is important. For more details, visit:
- 曼尼托巴博物馆协会(AMM)推出了在线展览:“一个名为曼尼托巴的博物馆”。观看网址:
- The Association of Manitoba Museums (AMM) presents the online exhibit, “A Museum Called Manitoba.” Viewing URL:
恰逢曼尼托巴日,加拿大皇家雪鸟特技飞行表演队,翱翔在曼尼托巴晴朗的上空。 (视频提供:黄波)
Just in time for Manitoba Day, the Royal Canadian Snowbirds aerobatic display team, soaring over the clear skies of Manitoba. (Video courtesy of Bo Huang)

Let’s save the anticipation to laugh and jump, hug each other and celebrate Manitoba 150 together next year!
May, Manitoba, 150, be safe, healthy, and happy!
—— 1870 – 2020 ——
150 · Happy Manitoba Day!