Folklorama 2019 Chinese Pavilion Ambassador Application starts accepting

What is Folklorama?

Celebrate life and culture with world-class entertainment, delicious authentic food and beautiful cultural displays at Folklorama, the largest and longest-running multicultural festival of its kind in the world (as determined in 2010 by CIOFF, the International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Folk Arts). Explore one of the most vibrant arts and culture scenes found in the heart of the continent during the first two weeks of August. Join friends and family and experience the world’s cultures in Winnipeg from August 4-17, 2019.

What is Ambassador?

Every pavilion that is granted a license for the Folklorama festival is required to have four (4) Ambassadors as the representatives of their respective pavilions. Any combination of gender is acceptable; however, the criterion of two (2) youth and two (2) adult must be followed.

Ambassadors will be invited to an Orientation Evening by Folklorama in April 2019. Ambassadors will also be asked to attend an Ambassadors’ Workshop hosted by Folklorama in May 2019. The orientation and workshop will be a chance for Ambassadors to meet the Folklorama operations team and fellow Ambassadors, as well learn important information on their roles and responsibilities as Ambassadors for the Folklorama Festival.

Ambassador is one of the most important roles for their pavilion, which represents their identities. Our ambassadors will help to welcome all visitors, they also represent Chinese pavilion to communicate with ambassadors from other countries and cultures.

Ambassador in the Folklorama 2018 with the Mayor of Winnipeg
Brian Bowman visits China Pavilion
4 Chinese Ambassadors at the Folklorama 2018

How to become a Chinese Pavilion Ambassador?

  • We will accept ambassador applications through March 9th to March 17th, 2019.
  • From March 18th to 22nd, we will select our ambassadors (Interview may require)
  • March 22nd, confirm ambassadors
  • March 25th, send the ambassadors’ profiles to Folklorama organization

Ambassador Age requirement

Youth Ambassador – must be between 14 and 17 year old as of May 1,2019

Adult Ambassador – must be at least 18 years old as of May 1,2019

Mandatory Ambassador Appearances for Folklorama 2019

Ambassadors’ Orientation Tuesday, April 23

Ambassadors’ Workshop Wednesday, May 8

Canada Day Celebration Monday, July 1

Ambassadors’ Inaugural Ceremony Rehearsal Wednesday, July 17

Ambassadors’ Inaugural Ceremony Thursday, July 18

Folklorama Kick-Off Saturday, July 27

Chinese pavilion open days Sunday to Saturday August 11th to 17th

If you can meet the ambassador age requirement, and can take all mandatory ambassador appearance for Folklorama 2019. Also, if you are outgoing, love Chinese culture, love to share your stories and experiences about China and Chinese culture, please come to join us!

Online application Form

Deadline: March 17th ,2019