报名方式/To Register:
- 首推:网上报名链接:https://goo.gl/forms/65H3otgiyW6Ib1Jw2
online registration at the above link, or
- 或下载报名表格: 义工申请表下载Volunteer Register Form
download volunteer registration form at the about link; completed form can be emailed, faxed, or brought in to the office
Summer is finally here in Winnipeg! Are you looking forward to a fulfilling and meaningful summer? Do you want to save some precious memories as a part of a big family?
Join our 2018 Folklorama Chinese Pavilion and become a volunteer today!
You can not only take part in our various cultural displays and live performance, build a network of friends with the same passions, you will get to learn many things, and develop soft skills in a friendly environment. Here you get to experience Chinese traditional calligraphy, tea culture, musical instruments, and spread the knowledge to many more Winnipeggers!
Are you ready for this one-and-only summer experience? August 5th-11th, let’s party up!
活动详情/Event Details:
地点/Location:温城中华文化中心二楼 / Winnipeg Chinese Cultural & Community Centre – 2nd Floor, 180 King Street, Winnipeg, MB
日期/Date:8月5-11日 / August 5th-11th, 2018
时间/Time:每晚5:30pm – 11:00pm
报名方式见文章开篇/See top of article for registration information.
联系方式见文章结尾/See bottom of article for contact information.
往期精彩回顾/Past Event Highlights:
Address: 2nd floor, 180 King St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 3G8
Call: (204)943-2627
Fax: (204)944-8308
Website: wcccc.ca
Email: wcccc@mts.net
Wechat: WCCCC_Chinatown