Meditation Park – National Canadian Film Day 加拿大国家电影节-免费电影《冥想公园》

The Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre has teamed up with Reel Canada to present a screening of “Meditation Park” on National Canadian Film Day (April 18).

The screening takes place Wednesday, April 18 at the WCCCC at 7:00pm. Meditation Park is the newest film by Chinese-Canadian director, Mina Shum. Please see the poster with event details.

After the screening, local historian Dr. Tina Mei Chen will hold a Q&A on the history of Canada.

温城中华文化中心与Reel Canada合作,于加拿大电影节(四月18日)周三晚7:00 在文化中心多功能厅举办电影免费放映活动。此次放映电影为《冥想公园》,由加拿大华裔Mina Shum导演,讲述的是一个定居加拿大华裔家庭的故事。更多详细活动信息请看海报!

我们还请到了本地历史学家,曼尼托巴大学历史系主任Dr. Tina Mei Chen,将在影片放映后就举办关于加拿大历史的问答活动。

Film Synopsis and Trailer 电影简介及预告片:

Film Review 影评:

Event information活动信息:

WCCCC CanFilm Day 2018 poster

Please help us spread the word.  We look forward to seeing you !



Support by:

  • Reel Canada
  • Ethnocultural Community Support Program