This Saturday Night~~7th Annual Cultural Arts Night 第七届文化艺术之夜~~本周六等你来参加

由温城中华文化中心(WCCCC)的青年团体曼省中华青少年组织(Manitoba Chinese Youth Committee 简称 MCYC)组织的一年一度的文化艺术之夜,将于本周六(三月24日)晚7点温城中华文化中心的多功能室举行!一场由青年人自己组织和举办的文化活动,一场带你领略各民族文化的演出,就在本周六!他们已准备好了,你还在犹豫什么!周六见!


A crazy night of multicultural performances is probably the best way to sum this event up.

Oh wait… can’t forget the food!

This annual event in March does its best to showcase as many cultures as possible, through as many different channels as possible.

Another great thing is that the event is completely organized by student volunteers who put in their all to make it happen. We would love to dance along to the performers… if we weren’t so sleep-deprived from midterms.

Check out some pictures from past events!