生存证明(健康证)办理须知Instructions for Proof of Survival (Health Certificate)


The requirements for dealing with the Proof of Survival have been changed by China Travel Service (Canada) Inc., Toronto Office since January, 2017. WCCCC can assist the applicant to gain the Proof of Survival. Based on the instructions from the China Travel Service (Canada) Inc., Toronto Office, WCCCC publishes the details as followings in order to help the applicant who needs to obtain the Proof of Survival.


  • 需办理人本人亲自办理,如有特殊原因请提前说明

The applicant should come to WCCCC by himself/herself. If the applicant cannot come to WCCCC personally for some special reason, the applicant needs to notice WCCCC in advance.

  • 办理人如持有中国护照,请携带护照及枫叶卡;如持有加拿大护照,只需携带护照

If the applicant holds the People’s Republic of China Passport, he/she should take the Passport and Canada Permanent Resident Card; If the applicant holds Canadian Passport, he/she just should take the Passport.

  • 每位办理人需到银行开$24 的汇票(money order),To: China Travel Service (Canada) Inc.(办理前或办理后去银行开具汇票皆可)

The applicant needs to obtain a Money Order issued by the Bank, and the Receiver (To:) on the Money Order should be China Travel Service (Canada) Inc.

  • 文化中心手续费每人每份$10,若买邮票每张$1

The service fee for WCCCC is $10 for per applicant per form, and per stamp is $1.

  • 文化中心会协助复印相关文件、填写申请表和证明表,并协助将所有资料放入信封备好,办理人自行寄出即可

WCCCC will assist the applicant to copy the related documents, fill out the forms, and provide other necessary help. Then the applicant sends it out through Canada Post.



WCCCC would like to provide more convenient services for the public, and adjust the work hours as from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and from Mondays to Saturdays.



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