一年一度的中国城街道欢庆节即将开始啦,今年的街庆将在9月9号与10号举办,我们给大家准备了很多精彩的节目和有趣的活动,还有很多好吃的Food Truck哟,小伙伴们准备好了吗?
The annual Chinatown Street Festival is coming soon! This year’s two-day street festival will be officially open on September 9th and 10th. We have prepared a lot of exciting programs and interesting activities for all of you. There will be various exquisite foods too. Are you ready to join us?
Let’s have a look at how wonderful the festival was from last year!
【宠物乐园Petting Zoo】
没错就是这个萌兽啦!不用绕远跑去城外的农场,在Chinatown就可以和它们来个亲密接触哟!除了小羊驼们,petting zoo还给大家带来了可爱的小羊宝宝们,怎么样有木有很心动!
There were adorable pets had been here before. We brought our lovely alpaca to you all the way from a distant farm. We also had baby sheep in our petting zoo. The tourists were welcomed to pet them and take photos. Wasn’t that sweet?
【美食街Food Trucks】
去年多家Food Truck应邀参加了中国城街道欢庆节,有份量超足的美味汉堡和薯条,有人气爆棚的冰淇淋,有新鲜可口的日本料理,当然还有来自家乡的美味—–现烤孜然羊肉串!
Last year we invited many food trucks to our Street Festival. Everyone enjoyed huge juicy burgers, BDI ice cream and fresh sushi. One of the most favorite was the professional kebab BBQ – the flavor from northwest China.
【街边小铺Street Store】
Street Store 是街庆中的一个特色小商铺,我们会事先征集一些二手物品,再经过仔细挑选和分类,活动当天带到现场让大家挑选!小到装饰摆件,大到衣物家电,不要998不要668,部分商品您甚至可以免费拿回家!
We had a very special store at Street Festival– Street Store. It’s just like a flea market. We cataloged some high quality pre-owned clothes, accessories, even donated furniture and electrical products. There was a booth on that day. You could pick anything you like, and some of the items were for free (selected items only)!
【猜灯谜Lantern Riddles】
The most popular event of last year was the Lantern Riddles. There were coupons in all riddles. Participants could have the coupons if they get the correct answers. The coupons could be used at all the stores, except food!
There will be more wonderful events waiting for you this year. Remember to check our website and WeChat for more information.
【Volunteers Seeking!】
The Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Center need volunteers for the 2017 Chinatown Street Festival. Do you love working with people? Are you interested in multi-cultural music and dance? We need volunteers to help us spread awareness of our work while making new friends in the community. If you are interested in working with us, you are welcomed to contact us at WCCCC.
【How to join us:】
Click to download the Application form 点击下载申请表格
Application for Volunteer WCCCC
填写表格Fill the form
邮寄至此邮箱地址Email to: wcccc@mts.net
或打印并送到此地址or Print out and drop of at
2nd floor, 180 King Street, Winnipeg