On July 24th the Consul-General Of The People’s Republic Of China in Toronto, Mr. HE Wei Consul General was accompanied by his wife Consul Ms. SUN Chang during their first visit to Winnipeg. Along with them came Counselor ZHANG YiQun, Consul CHEN ZhiShan, Consul YANG BaoHua, Consul LI SiNing, Consul WANG Hui, Consul HAN WenJin and Vice-Consul LIU YuanYuan. The former Lieutenant Governor Hon. Philip. Lee was accompanied by his wife Ms. Anita Lee, the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre(WCCCC) and representatives of the public Chinese committees of Winnipeg in the reception of the Consul General.
(何炜总领事夫妇,前总督李绍麟夫妇,及文化中心于机场合影/ Group photo of the Consul General’s reception)
(何炜总领事与李绍麟先生/Mr. HE Wei and Hon. Philip Lee)
7月25日, 总领事一行来到温城中华文化中心(WCCCC)的会议室与温尼伯当地华侨与社团代表人进行亲切会谈, 众代表对领事馆为当地华人做出的贡献表示感谢。
On July 25th, the Consul General consortium was invited to come to the WCCCC to meet with WCCCC’s President Dr. Choy and the representatives of the local public Chinese committees.
(WCCCC召开会谈/ Meeting at WCCCC)
(Consul general Mr. HE Wei and President of WCCCC Dr. Choy)
After the meeting, the Consul General and his consortium went to the formal welcoming banquet at Kum Koon Garden. Hundreds of guests were invited to attend the banquet, many of them were influential figures of the local Chinese community.
The banquet opened with both Canada and China’s National Anthem.
The Consul General Mr. HE Wei made a speech, expressing his gratitude for the warm reception by the local Chinese community, and conveyed his wishes that the Winnipeg Chinese community will become better and better.
The former Lieutenant Governor Hon. Philip. Lee and the President of the WCCCC, Dr. Choy, respectively, delivered a speech, and expressed a warm welcome to the Consul General and his fellow accompaniers.
(何炜总领事发表致辞/Consul General HE Wei delivered a speech)
(前省督李绍麟先生发表致辞/Former Governor Hon. Philip Lee delivering a speech)
(WCCCC主席蔡镇潮教授发表致/President of WCCCC, Dr. Choy delievering a speech)
(张益群参赞,王领事,WCCCC办公室经理与WCCCC义工队们合影/ Counselor ZHANG YiQun, Consul WANG Hui, WCCCC Office Manager ZHANG Amy and WCCCC Volunteers )
The WCCCC sincerely appreciates the Consul General Mr. HE Wei’s visit to Winnipeg! We hope that there will be more cooperation opportunities between the Consulate-General Of The PRC in Toronto and Winnipeg to provide more activities and services to promote the Chinese culture and community in economics, trades, sciences, education, humanities and other areas of friendly exchanges.
Finally, we would also like to deeply express our appreciation for all our volunteer’s help and cooperation!
Address:2nd floor, 180 King St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 3G8
Call: (204)943-2627
Fax: (204)944-8308
Email: wcccc@mts.net
Website: www.wcccc.ca
Wechat: WCCCC_Chinatown