祝贺伟大的教师Isabella即将迎来她的100岁生辰 The great teacher Isabella’s 100th Birthday Party

Isabella Dryden女士是一位热情善良的退休教师,她于大约18岁时便开始了自己的教师生涯。退休后,她致力于社区服务,在Creative Retirement Manitoba和温城中华文化中心志愿给老人们教授电脑课程。时光如白驹过隙,一晃八十多年过去了, Isabella即将在今年十月迎来她100岁的生辰。这真是一件值得钦佩的伟事。

Isabella Dryden is a teacher who was honoured 8 decades is about to celebrate her 100-year-old birthday on October. Isabella is a very nice and patient retired teacher, she starts her teaching career at age 18. After the age of retirement, she’s spent her retirement teaching computer classes for Creative Retirement in Winnipeg. This is great and worthy of admiration.


7月24日,在金冠酒楼老板Geoffrey Younge先生的赞助下。温尼伯市市长Brian Bowman,前省督夫人李太太Anita Lee,WCCCC董事们及众多Isabella的学生与同行们后辈们一致前来为Isabella祝福并迎接100岁生辰。

July 24, under the sponsorship from the owner of Kum Koon Garden. The Mayor of Winnipeg, Brian Bowman, wife of former governor Hon. Philip Lee, Ms. Anita Lee, WCCCC Board members, Isabella’s colleagues and students attend to the party and sent best wishes to Isabella.


(温尼伯市市长上台发表祝词并为Isabella女士颁奖/ Mayor of Winnipeg Brian Bowman delivered a speech and awards to Isabella)


温尼伯市市长Brian Bowman为Isabella发表祝词,感谢她这八十多年如一日为教育界带来的贡献,并亲自为Isabella颁发了奖项。

The Mayor of Winnipeg, Brian Bowman sent congratulatory to Isabella, and gratitude her for her contributions to the education sector over the past eight decades, and awards for Isabella.


(金冠酒楼老板Mr.  Geoffrey Younge 上台发表祝词/ The owner of Kum Koon Garden, Mr. Geoffrey Younge delivered a speech)


(Isabella亲自切生辰蛋糕/ Isabella is cutting the birthday cake)



Address:2nd floor, 180 King St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 3G8
Call: (204)943-2627
Fax: (204)944-8308
Email: wcccc@mts.net

Website: www.wcccc.ca

Wechat: WCCCC_Chinatown


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