“多彩中华”文化日“Colourful China”Chinese Culture Day in WCCCC


We are appreciated for the inclusion of culture of Canada which is a multi-culture country.  You can keep the feature of your ethnic characteristic in Canada whatever you come from which country or which nation.  Meanwhile, if you like, you also can become a spreader, and introduce your nation to more people from other nations.


May 2nd, 2017, more than 70 kids who are from Ukrainian families living in Winnipeg came to the WCCCC.  As for these kids, they are either NATIVE or FOREIGNER to Canada.  We say they are “native” because they all born in Canada, and we say they are “foreigner” because their families all keep the language and customers of their nation.


These Kids come here for experiencing Chinese culture. We volunteers prepare diversity activities in order to guarantee the event to be carried out smoothly.  One volunteer even made lots of Chinese hacky-sacks in advance for introducing a traditional Chinese national sport to the kids. WCCCC hope the kids can experience marvellous and various Chinese culture within limited time.

最受大家欢迎,也是在全世界知名度最广的要数“Chinese 功夫”了,在这个全世界都认为每个人中国人都肯定会来一套拳的时代,我们本次活动的功夫教练可是地地道道的白人朋友哦!这让我们来自中国的小伙伴深深的佩服。

Among the activities in this event, the most popular and also a well-known activity in the world is Chinese Kung Fu.  Up to now, maybe all people think every Chinese can play Kung Fu. However, the coach in the event is absolutely a native Winnipeg man. We all deeply admire him for his Kung Fu.


His Kung Fu is strong and vigorous with his professional props. Kids are stunned and they adored him. Even parents and teachers tried to do some Kung Fu.


Terracotta is also a great treasure of Chinese cultural. The state Council donate a copy of terracotta to Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre. We carefully collected it in our hall.


Have you ever played Terracotta Wooden Man Game? Let’s see how long you can keep your posture. The real Terracotta has kept their posture for over thousand years!


Chinese character is one of the most important symbol of Chinese cultural. They are gorgeous.


Our teacher taught those kids how to write “people”, “great” and “sky”, and showed them how ingenious Chinese characters’ structure is.


Shuttlecock is one of the traditional games for Chinese children. Our volunteer made all of the shuttlecocks since it’s so hard to find one shuttlecock in Winnipeg.


Game is surely attractive to kids.


This is Chinese traditional dancing called “the bridge of grandma”.

中国十二生肖以十二年为周期,分别以十二个动物的名字命名。我们的志愿者为孩子们讲述了每个生肖的故事,并展示了除了Canada Post外独一份的邮票藏品。

The Chinese zodiac is a classification scheme that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year in a repeating 12-year cycle. Our volunteer showed the kids stories of the 12 zodiacs and the only copy of Zodiac stamps except Canada post.


Time is short, but the kids are satisfied. We hope we can make them impressed by our Chinese cultural.


If you want to join us, feel free to contact us.


We also have thousands of Chinese books in our library~